
Below is an overview of each module and what you can expect to learn in the module.

Introduction – This module will introduce the user to Basic Training and how to progress through the course.

  1. Welcome to WIHA
    • This module will serve as an introduction to the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging.
  2. Evidence-Based 101
    • This module will introduce the user to what it means to be an evidence-based program. Users will learn about steps to become an evidence-based program, as well as the importance of Key Elements and Fidelity.
  3. Behavior Change Theories and Principles
    • This module will cover behavior change theories used throughout evidence-based programs.
    • In addition, users will learn educational principles related to adult learning.
  4. Group Work
    • In this module, users will learn about different personality and conflict styles and how to work with a variety of different participants.
  5. Facilitating vs Teaching
    • This module will introduce users to the concept of facilitation and how it is important to facilitate workshops to promote behavior change.
  6. Methods of Instruction
    • This module will broadly cover different methods of instruction
  7. Planning Your Workshop
    • This module will discuss the process of starting a workshop- including building partnerships and developing a team. Then, the module will discuss different marketing and recruitment strategies.
  8. Overview & Next Steps
    • This module will wrap up with a review of what was covered, next steps in the Leader Training, and an overview of what ongoing support WIHA offers.